Types of mandate
Project and execution
Prior approval : 2012-2014
Approval : May 2016
Construction site timeline : 2017-2019
307 m2 of additional GFA
J. Leresche, C. Trifan , C. Barbaux,
A. Castello, B. Känel, V. Paclet,
J. Renault, N. Vallot
From shadow the building to light
On the edge of Parc St-Jean, the building at 67 rue de Saint-Jean faces the headquarters of FER (Fédération des entreprises romandes) Genève and houses some of its services, as well as the CIEPP - Caisse Inter-Entreprises de Prévoyance Professionnelle. As the need for additional space became critical, we carried out a feasibility study for raising the height of the building, as well as for a reorganization of the existing surfaces. A preliminary request to approve the existing assigned use and the number of floors was submitted in 2012.
The initial response from the Architectural Commission resulted in a request to be bolder in the proposed project for the building. Consequently our client decided to reorganize the existing areas while also taking advantage of the opportunity to improve the building’s thermal envelope. This allowed us to develop a more ambitious, consistent and unified project . The raised building, in its unity and new dimension, will now stand on an equal footing with its neighbour, the headquarters of FER Genève.
renewable energy
thanks to Génilac
glass panels on the front,
double skin,
for 2,234m2 of facade
transformed floors
along with 2 raised floors